In a powerful and heartbreaking letter, a distressed UK father has written to leading plastic surgeon Mohsen El Gammal, pleading with him not to remove his 20-year-old daughter’s breasts in a transgender operation, which he said would “ruin her life”.
“Please do not remove my daughter's breasts. You will, in one day – a day you will quickly forget – ruin her life for ever”, he wrote.
“When you go home after you have destroyed my daughter's life and well-being, long after you have forgotten her name and her operation, long after you have spent the money you were paid for this butchery, long after you have retired, she and those who love her will have to live with the consequences of your actions.”
The father, whose identity remains anonymous to protect his daughter, shared that his daughter has battled depression, self-harm, and an eating disorder before identifying as transgender, expressing his fear that the surgery would irreparably harm her, and that she was making this decision in the midst of a mental health crisis.
The father says he never received a response to, or acknowledgement of, his letter sent to the surgeon’s London clinic in May. Tragically, his daughter went ahead with the double mastectomy last month.
Responding to the story on X, an Australian mother of a daughter who experienced rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), commented:
“No one can understand the agony of this unless they’ve experienced it.
"I pleaded with my daughter’s surgeon.
"Despite her being in high security mental health facilities over the previous 12 months & the fact that she was riddled with active cutting marks, he did it anyway.”
The mother continued:
“The worst bit was that he printed all the pleading emails and gave them to my daughter which made her completely cut ties with me. In the midst of Covid when all other elective surgery was cancelled, they were still amputating healthy body tissue.”
These parents are just the tip of the iceberg. The turmoil faced by parents whose children are being captured by gender ideology and led down a path by medical professionals who should know better, is both scandalous and devastating.
Read excerpts from the letter below published in the Daily Mail:
'Ultimately, my daughter is a depressive.
'She sought the highs that came from cutting herself; from starving herself; from being taken for a boy; from taking testosterone; and now from having her breasts removed.
'She needs to learn that life is not one long adrenaline buzz – that happiness is a more moderate feeling, comes from within and derives from finding place and purpose in life.
'You are fuelling her problem. Not helping to resolve it.
'Please do not remove my daughter's breasts.
'You will, in one day – a day you will quickly forget – ruin her life for ever.
'You will take from her the opportunity to breastfeed her child; you will take from her the opportunity to have a normal, wide-ranging pool of people from whom to choose her partner in life; you will irreparably harm her.
'She is 20 years old.
'Which of us knew at 20 what we would know or think at 30?
'Which of us understood ourselves in the way we do at 60?
'Which of us did not do things we almost immediately regretted, never mind things which we look on in disbelief but a few years later?
'How can you possibly believe that she is truly able to give informed consent to what you are going to do to her?
'She cannot see round the corner, never mind beyond the horizon.
'You know this and yet are prepared to rely on a piece of paper on which she signs away her future well-being.
'If you do choose to operate, perhaps you will take the time while she is anaesthetised to look at the extensive scarring on her arms and legs.
'These are the scars of the self-harming craze she participated in during her mid-teens.
'This was before she got into starving herself. All this before she started participating in the trans cult.
'Perhaps you will reflect on the mere two appointments with a GP that were necessary for her to get a private prescription for testosterone.
'Perhaps you will reflect on the professional capture within the therapy industry, which leads every therapist she has spoken to to affirm her decision as real rather than question its reality.'
'Instead of attempting to reconcile the confusion of the mind with the body, the futile attempt is made to reconcile the body to the confused mind'.
'When you go home after you have destroyed my daughter's life and well-being, long after you have forgotten her name and her operation, long after you have spent the money you were paid for this butchery, long after you have retired, she and those who love her will have to live with the consequences of your actions.
'But I hope you will still be alive when this malpractice is revealed for what it is: the enabling by the medical profession of pseudo-science in the same way as surgeons in 1930s Germany, the USA and elsewhere sterilised the 'feeble-minded' in the name of eugenics.'
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