Restore the sex-based rights of women and girls

Restore the sex-based rights of women and girls

The sex-based rights of women and girls are under attack across Australia and women are progressively being erased in laws and policies.

Men are self-identifying as women, and intruding on female-only spaces, services and sports, while women who dare challenge this are punished.

This is why we urgently need your help.

Sex-based rights and protections have been eroded across all Australian states and territories with the introduction of sex self-ID laws allowing men to legally self-identify as women, and where protections for ‘gender identity’ have superseded protections for sex in anti-discrimination laws.

They have been eroded at the federal level where the biological definitions of ‘woman’ and ‘man’ have been erased from the Sex Discrimination Act, and conflicting protections similarly added for ‘gender identity’.

And they have been undermined in policies spanning prisons, education, sports and more, where male offenders who identify as female are being housed in women’s prisons, boys who identify as girls are using girls’ bathrooms at school, and men who identify as women are dominating women’s sports and injuring female athletes.

Such laws and policies threaten safety, privacy, dignity and fairness for women and girls, and are utterly incompatible with efforts to end violence against them.

The reality is, that men who identify as women, are being afforded more rights and protections than actual women.

Enough is enough.

Sign the petition calling on the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers to restore the sex-based rights of women and girls across Australia.

5,000 signatures

Will you sign?

Dear Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers,

cc: Opposition leaders

We are deeply concerned by the loss of women’s sex-based rights and their erasure in Australian laws and policies.

We have seen the resulting harms both in Australia and overseas, where women and girls have been injured or lost opportunities due to men playing in what should be female-only sports, and where they have been sexually assaulted by trans-identified males in what should be female-only spaces, or have opted to self-exclude from those spaces due to safety and privacy concerns.

We have also seen the unjust reprisals faced by women both in Australia and internationally who speak out about biological reality and the harms of men identifying as women, including vilification, defamation, doxing, assault, censorship, legal harassment, and loss of employment.

We call on you to urgently act to protect the rights and safety of women and girls by restoring them and their sex-based rights and protections in laws and policies across Australia.