Australian Federal Court to hear landmark case on women's sex-based rights

Australian Federal Court to hear landmark case on women's sex-based rights

This Friday 28 April at 10.15am, the Australian Federal Court (184 Philip Street, Sydney) will hear further proceedings in Tickle v Giggle, a monumental case for women’s sex-based rights and protections in Australia.

We will be attending, and encourage all Sydney-based women to come along to support Sall Grover and her fight for our rights. If you can make it, please arrive at 9.45am.

The human rights claim brought by Roxy Tickle (a man who identifies as a woman) against Gold Coast businesswoman Sall Grover for refusing to let him use her female-only networking app Giggle, is the first opportunity we've had in Australia to resolve the conflict between the sex-based rights of women and the rights of those claiming a gender identity inconsistent with their sex.

It has profound implications not only for Giggle, but for all female spaces, and could determine whether or not women and girls across Australia have a right to female-only dedicated services, facilities and activities, or whether they must share these with men and boys who say they’re female.

Our CEO Rachael Wong recently spoke to Sky News and the Daily Mail about the case, explaining how it will hopefully reclaim the sex-based rights of women under federal law and that women and girls across Australia are cheering Sall on in this case.

This week, lawyer and women's advocate Katherine Deves also revealed that she is part of Sall's legal team, withdrawing her nomination for NSW's Senate seat to prioritise her work on the case advocating for women's sex-based rights.

If you are unable to attend the hearing on Friday, please consider supporting this landmark case by donating to Sall's crowdfunder.

Click through to Giggle's media release below for more information.

Women’s Forum Australia is an independent think tank that undertakes research, education and public policy advocacy on issues affecting women and girls, with a particular focus on addressing behaviours and practices that are harmful and abusive to them. We are a non-partisan, non-religious, tax-deductible charity. We do not receive any government funding and rely solely on donations to make an impact. Support our work today.

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