Thank you for signing the petition* calling on the NSW Parliament to protect women and children and reject the anti-women, anti-children reforms in NSW MP Alex Greenwich's (anti) "Equality" Bill, including sex self-ID, further liberalised prostitution, and the removal of bans on overseas commercial surrogacy.
Will you take the next important step of sharing your views with the parliamentary inquiry?
On 13 March 2024, after significant public backlash, the "Equality" Bill was referred to the Legislative Assembly Committee on Community Services for inquiry and report by 3 June 2024.
The Committee is now seeking views from the public through a quick online survey as part of its inquiry, which will be open until 14 April 2024. Each question in the survey asks about the amendments the Bill makes to different pieces of legislation in NSW, and we suggest opposing every amendment in the Bill.
While the survey is less than ideal in that it does not provide an opportunity for participants to give reasons for their responses, it is the only form of wider public consultation currently available, and so we encourage as many people as possible to fill it out. In the meantime, we are following up with MPs about the problematic nature of the consultation.
We have embedded the survey below. To find out more, to view the Bill, or if you have any difficulty using the below form, please go directly to the survey on the NSW Parliament website.
*If you have arrived at this page other than by signing our petition, please consider adding your name!