Send your message to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to help women trapped in prostitution

Send your message to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to help women trapped in prostitution

It’s quick and easy using the tool below to send your message direct to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

Your message to her today will reinforce how important it is to introduce nationwide, uniform legislation with the “Nordic Model”, which criminalises buyers and pimps, not the women being exploited. This will help reduce trafficking, and empower women to exit this toxic industry.

Prostitution is not “work”. It is not “empowering”. And too often it is not a “free choice”. 

Women need to be safe and supported – and you can help by raising your voice today.

Using the form below, please write your urgent letter directly to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus – it will only take a few minutes for you to help protect women.

Things you need to know:

  • The salutation at the start and your name at the end will both be added automatically. Please don't add these to the letter below – e.g. please do not address the email “Dear Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus”.
  • You’ll see the email pre-populated with information which will help you kick-start your email.
  • Be concise and respectful.
  • Once you have completed the information in the box below, your email will be directed to Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.