Thank you for signing the petition to say no to sex-selective abortions!
Here’s how you can help raise a louder voice to protect girls even more…
Your tax-deductible gift today will help get the message out to more people so they can take action to sign the petition.
The more people who take action and sign the petition, the more that Health Minister Mark Butler will be made aware that this is an issue that a considerable number of Australians like you care about.
You’ll help stop the funding of discriminatory sex-selective abortions by Medicare – to show that girls deserve to be born and loved and valued.
Because you and I know Australia is better than this.
So please help get the word out with your gift today to stop taxpayer funding of “wrong sex” abortions.
Thank you for all your support to get the outcome we all want!
Yours for women,
Rachael Wong
CEO | Women’s Forum Australia