Tribunal rules lesbians must include men who identify as lesbians at public events
By Rachael Wong
On Monday, the Administrative Review Tribunal (formerly the Administrative Appeals Tribunal) upheld the Australian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) 2023 decision to deny the Lesbian Action Group (LAG) an exemption under the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) to exclude ‘transgender lesbians’ from its public events.
Read moreTrans activists attempt to interfere with RANZCP elections
By Stephanie Bastiaan
Over 100 clinicians and researchers have signed a public letter to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) President, Dr Elizabeth Moore, and President-Elect, Dr Astha Tomar, in support of Dr Jillian Spencer's candidacy for President-Elect of RANZCP in response to an attempt by trans activists to interfere with the election by having Dr Spencer's nomination withdrawn.
Read moreMedia release: Women's Forum Australia launches national campaign to restore women's sex-based rights in law and policy across Australia
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Women's Forum Australia launched a national campaign to restore women's sex-based rights in law and policy across Australia.
Read moreNSW Labor Government rams through “Equality” Bill erasing protections for women and children
By Rachael Wong
New South Wales Parliamentarians, predominantly independent MP Alex Greenwich followed by his merry band of Labor and Greens MPs, have succeeded in erasing women’s rights and protections in NSW and beyond.
Read moreAmended Equality Bill still endangers women and children
Today, we sent the below letter to NSW Premier Chris Minns and Members of the NSW Parliament about the grave concerns that Women's Forum Australia, our supporters and the NSW community, continue to have with regard to independent MP Alex Greenwich's Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023 and his recently proposed amendments:
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BREAKING: NSW Minns Labor Government ignores community concerns to back sex self-ID laws
By Rachael Wong
In a puff piece in the Sydney Morning Herald promoting sex self-ID laws this week, NSW Labor Premier Chris Minns has confirmed his support for such laws, which would allow anyone to change their legal sex (including children) on their birth certificate. This is despite overwhelming opposition from NSW residents concerned in particular about the adverse ramifications for women and children, including that expressed in an official parliamentary survey and petition.
Read moreSouth Australian Labor Government to ram through harmful 'conversion practices' ban bill
By Stephanie Bastiaan
The Malinauskas Labor Government has introduced a 'conversion practices' ban bill by stealth in South Australia. The Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill 2024 (Bill), drafted by Attorney-General Kyam Maher and introduced by Deputy Premier Susan Close just two weeks ago, was debated and passed in the Legislative Assembly in under two hours – immediately after it was introduced. It is set to be debated in the Legislative Council today.
Read moreVictorian breastfeeding advocate faces legal action for comments critical of men ‘chest feeding’
By Stephanie Bastiaan
Victorian mother and breastfeeding advocate Jasmine Sussex is being taken to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) by trans-identified male Jennifer Buckley after raising concerns online about biological males trying to chest feed newborn babies. Courts, including QCAT, have the power to summon respondents to attend proceedings in a location most convenient to the applicant. This legal action follows three years of complaints by Buckley to various authorities, including the Queensland Human Rights Commission and the e-Safety Commission, who subsequently ordered posts by Sussex that said men can't breastfeed to be removed.
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