Victorian MP Nicole Werner puts spotlight on PCOS with pregnancy announcement
By Stephanie Bastiaan
Victorian Liberal MP Nicole Werner has announced she and her husband Fraser are expecting their first baby after a lengthy struggle with infertility following a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis.
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A phenomenon we have covered before is the increasing pressure on women to consider freezing their eggs. It is advertised as a new solution to the ‘biological clock’ problem, the panic-inducing thought of women’s peak fertility window only lasting until around age 40.
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A single dad from Canada has welcomed his second child after spending $350,000 CAD ($378,000 AUD) on surrogacy.
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After more than a year of living through the Covid-19 outbreak, Australians have reluctantly become accustomed to some of the restrictions on their liberty imposed upon them in a collective effort to curb the outbreak of the virus and minimise illness and loss of life.
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